Cape Town HEAD OFFICE Units 37 & 38 Northgate Business Park, Gold Street, Brooklyn; Johannesburg Unit 2 Henta Park, 14 Wolverhampton Street, Benoni; DBN Unit 1 Braehead Office Park, 1 Old Main Road, Kloof
Get to know the different types of solar systems, so you can know what works for you and your property.
Grid-Tied System
Grid-tied solar systems are commonly used in the commercial and industrial sectors. This type of system is connected to the public electricity grid/supply, and does not need storage. A UPS battery system can be added for load shedding.
A hybrid system has various configurations, it makes use of both the Off-Grid and Grid-Tied system, which uses both battery & solar. Due to the decrease in battery prices, systems connected to the grid can now take advantage of storing their electricity as well.
Off-Grid solar systems are stand-alone systems. This type of system feeds electrical circuits on the property only from the solar and battery and avoids the grid.